Materials Synthesis |
Electrical Analysis |
Thermal Analysis |
Ab initio computations |
Materials Synthesis
- Vertigo – A vertical tube furnace for melting and long-duration heat treatments at temperatures up to 1100 °C.
- Combo – A multipurpose box furnace operating up to 1100°C with protective atmosphere.
- ThermoCeram – A Nabertherm high-temperature air furnace for sintering up to 1600 °C with an option for protective atmosphere.
- Samson – A tube furnace combined with hydraulic press for hot-pressing of powders up to 700 ° C under protective atmosphere.
- A two-stage EDWARDS-make vacuum system for evacuating and sealing of quartz ampoules at pressure <10-5 Torr.
- A hydraulic press for cold uniaxial powder compaction up to 5,000 kgf.
- A constant-force Buehler precision saw.
Thermal Analysis
A Netzsch LFA-457 apparatus for thermal conductivity measurements
The LFA-457 instrument is based on the “half-time” method, where a thermal pulse is generated on the sample’s surface on one side, and the thermal response is detected and temporally-resolved on the opposite side, thus yielding the temperature- dependent thermal diffusivity. The temperature- dependent heat capacity is also measured using standards. The product of these two magnitudes with the material’s density yields the temperature- dependent thermal conductivity.
Technical DetailsFurnaces: -125°C to 500°C, RT to 1100°C
Infra-Red Detectors: Mercury-Cadmium-Telluride/Indium-Antimonide |
Electrical Analysis
A Netzsch SBA-458 NemesisTM system for simultaneous determination of Seebeck Coefficient (10 through 500 µV/K) and electrical conductivity (5 through 150,000 S/cm) at the range of room temperature through 1100 °C under protective atmosphere.
Hall Effect measurement system Ecopia HMS-5500 with 0.51 Tesla magnet kit (AMP55T) and 80-573 K temperature range:
Temperature range: 80-573 K
Input current: 1 nA ~ 20mA
Resistivity: 10-4 ~ 107 Ω·cm
Mobility: 1~ 107 cm2/V·sec
Magnetic Flux Density: 0.51 T
Computational facilities
High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster
WildCat is a HPC cluster comprising 13 compute nodes with total capacity of 180 CPUs. The nodes are interconnected by a Mellanox high-speed infiniband switch (40 Gb/s) to speed-up parallel computing.
OS: CentOS Linux.
For small calculations we use a HouseCat stand alone computation node with 8 CPUs and 32 Gb shared memory.
OS: Ubuntu Linux.
MedeA software package
We utilize the MedeA 2.22 software package (Materials Design, Inc. 2015; Angel Fire, NM, USA) for ab-initio calculations. This package includes several components:
- VASP 4.6 and 5.4 codes for plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) calculations;
- MedeA graphical user interface;
- InformaticA crystallographic database;
- Phonon package for calculations of temperature-dependent thermodynamic properties;
- Interface Builder for building simulation cells comprising interphase boundaries;
- Electronics for calculation of electronic transport properties.
- Medea LAMMPS for performing molecular dynamic calculations;